stay tuned huh? good for you!!
since everybody wanted us to continue writing our blog we decided to continue.
as you know we have a guest, our daily guest, and today its... Lilach!! (woohoo)
we are happy to have lilach here but before we will talk with lilach we will
tell about out last few days.
first of all, on sunday we had a trip to the hungarian-austrian border. we went
to sail on a boat called ''the black pearl'' and we sail on Lake Neusiedl.
we had a great time although it was very hot. we just want to remind that
in europe they don't have air-conditioning and it's the hottest two weeks
in austria in a year, so it is very hot!! but we are ok.
anyway, after sailing on the boat, we went swimming in the lake and it was
very fun because everybody splashed evelyn, our manager of the camp.
after getting a tan, we drove home and played 'legirato' the coolest game
ever, and we played it with hans, the blonde austrian leader.
yesterday we had two workshops to choose from: the theatre workshop and the
juggling workshop with tom. we chose the acting workshop with lisa and leyla. it was
very interesting.we learned how to communicate with other people in a different way
from talking. the second workshop was the juggling workshop, and they had fun and
lilach is very good at it! in the evening, we had the palestinian evening which was
very informative and fun because we got the chance to dance traditional wedding
today, we had a great day! you want to know why? that's because we came to a
better understing of the suffering and the pain of the palestinian and they got
to know and understand what we are going through. that was a very positive
experience. as the day went on, we introduced our shows: the juggling group showed
us their moves, and the acting group showed three scenes which describe various
conflicts. between the three scenes, guess what was chosen.. the yoni's and koren's
scene of course. we had more participants which were very helpful. the conflict
we presented koren's conflict about serving in the army.
in the evening, we had the ISRAELI EVENING!! we had so much fun during the
whole process of making and presenting our culture. we danced an israel
traditional dance called ''Hora'', and everybody danced and had fun.
now after all the ''dry'' details we will talk with out guest.. LILACH!!
hi lilach, please tell us your feelings and thoughts..
you have no idea how fun it is for me to be here in these two weeks.
i learned yesterday how to juggle and this fact still amazes me.
today i was interviewed by a reporter and i felt like a celebrity, like yoni
and koren :).. and i wanted to say thank you tom for teaching me how to juggle
and for having deep interesting conversations. i think our night couldn't have been
better and i had alot of fun.. and that's it..
to add something, this is the first time i meet palestinians and i can understnad their
pain and to relate to this without television and media.
anyway, thank you lilach for being our guest tonight.
we hope you had fun reading our blog today, and we only have four days left
here and we are sure you can't wait for our next postings...
so until next time, we are wishing a good day and a good week...
and of course.. stay tuned!!!
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